Thursday, October 12, 2006


My silly quizzzzzzzzz


x. Slept in your bed?: My brother and the dollssssssssssssss how hopelss!

x. Saw you cry?: uncle Sasha

x. Made you cry:?Dimitri--as usual.......:(

x. Told you they loved you?: Mum

x. You shared a drink with?: dunno--none can touch my drink...Maybe Sandy......

x. You went to the movies with?: Danielle S, she was bored that day

x. You went to the shops with?: Susan and Francesca---in GPO...

x. Yelled at you?: Ignor --who else....bloody boss

x. Sent you an e-mail?: kish hehe, regarding to work DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!1

x. Sent you a text message?: Dominic ---ppppoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


x. Said "I love you" and meant it?: yes! I think so haha

. Given someone a bath?: yes................Of course!

x. Broken a bone?: oh hell yeah

x. Gotten in a fight with your pet?:Nah...they are great!

x. Broken the law?: dont think so...

x. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Umm, no, i dont believe in tears

x. Gone skinny dipping?: ahhhhhhh ha ha! Maybe!

x. Made yourself throw-up?: yup if i see sth yukky......

x. Danced naked?: hmmmm, maybe….god knows

x. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day?: YES!!!! of course!!!!--my dreams always come to true

x. Wish you were the opposite sex?:NO! why? i am happy to be a chick

x. Had an imaginary friend?: NAH! i have got heaps of real friends!

x. Do you have a crush on someone?:certainly...Safin and Putin

x. What book are you reading now? Immunology

x. Worst feeling in the world?: lots my grandma

x. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: yes........ they are so cute....N dont piss u off

x. Favorite sport to watch?: Soccer and tennis

x. Piercings/tattoos?: just my ears , 6 of them....A tatoo --leaf


x. Do you do drugs?: hell no! I dont beleive in that!

x. What country would you most like to visit?: Morocco bloody touched by its classical beauty (Movie casablanca)

x. Who are your closest friends?:Afay,Zita,Betty,Dmi,Franzesca,Simone,Carmen.... etc

x. What are you most scared of?: freaken fish...eiiiiiiyoooooooooooo

x. What clothes do you sleep in?:anything silky or nothing

x. Been in Love?: I think so!and i am now

x. Do you drive?: yes! and a crazy driver too lol not driving like a F1 pilot, not ready to be an organ donor

x. Do you have a job?: yes of course.....

x. Do you like being around people: well..really depends on who is around... love to be around with my TRUE friends, but not the ones i dont care!!!!

x. What kind of shampoo do you use?: Garnier--sponse Aussie open


x. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with?: yeah,,,Marat Safin ( Russian tennis player, he is a Tatar) and Vladimir Putin (Russian president), Alexander Popov( Russian Swimmer), DMitri Sautin (Russian Diver), Adriny Shevchenko(AC millian Soccer player, Ukairnian national team)

x. Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: oh yeah,,, a touchy tears i surpose

x. Want someone you don't have right now?ahhhhhhhhhh Safin or Tursunov

x. Which do you prefer, gold or silver?Silver

x. Are you lonely right now?: noh, not really....too busy to be lonely

x. Which do you prefer, long or short hair? long hair--not too long i hope

x. Have you ever been called a tease?: hell yeah......certainly...

x. Have you ever been drunk?: yeah... once when i was 4

x. Your best physical feature?: lips? maybe...i am just so happy with what ever i have got!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

x. Do you prefer Pepsi or Coke?: COKE! but vodka is better... not into frizzy drinks, i give my fizzies to Danny or Simone heheeeeeeeeeeeee

x. Do you prefer McDonalds or Burger King?: none of them.... only eat McDonalds with Betty after each semester''s final exam, now i finish Uni...dont think i will eat it anymore......

x. Which is better, single or group dates?: I really dunno.... has to be with the right person i guess...go double dates with my cousin&his gf +me and my that counts

x. Vanilla or chocolate?: chocolate…cant stand F**ken Vanilla, sounds like venessa!!!!!!

x. Do you swear?: oh hell yeah..... especially swear in Greek.... haha(so bloody cool to swear in Greek and ppl turn to u and laugh cuz i dont look greek and i am not) BTW i dont swear in russian...

x. Do you shower daily?:Oh yeah,.... surely>......

x. Do you believe in yourself?: oh yeah... i believe i can fly and touch the sky........

x. Do you think you are attractive?: yeah,...why not!!!!!!!

x. Are you a health freak?: l8ly//silly nah........ i am a medical scientist

x. Do you like thunderstorms?: i dont think sooooooooooooooooooooo

x. Song thats stuck in your head a lot?: Tibeaten love story even i dont understand a word....

x. Which is better pizza or chocolate?: Pizza........................ i give my chocolate to either Maggie or susan or Alex or Leah....

x. What was the last movie you saw?: Casablanca --for the 500 times

x. Do you want to get married?:yep.....later.... i accepted the offer lol

x. Do you want kids?: Yeah, maybe if they are not crazy and quiet as my dolls would be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


x. Room in house?: my kitchen!!!!!!!best wives came from kitchen

x. Eye colour?:Blue like mine

x. Favourite hair colour?: Blondie--of course!!!!!!!

x. Type(s) of music?: folk, slavic, latino, Asian, classical, jazz

x. Band(s)?:Beyond , imagination

x. Perfume or cologne?: perfume i surpose


x. Cried?: NAH.....nothing like that

x. Bought something?: yeh..... shopping holy --sometimes!!!

x. Gotten sick?: not really.... a bit of emotional tiredness

x. Sang?: oh hell yeah............ singing all the brother got sick of me

x. Wanted to tell someone you loved them?: yepp i think so.....

x. Met someone new?: yemmppppppppp

x. Missed someone?: yesss .... a lot.............

x. Hugged someone?: yeppp. of course

x. Kissed someone?: Umm, I guess so....hehe..................

x. What are you listening to right now?: Y Asi--- AUstrian song.....

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